Affordable fees with numerous inclusions make mykindy a top Gympie childcare provider
mykindy at Victory has a set daily fee for attendance per classroom which includes all specialist lessons offered through Victory College.
Our fees do not include:
- Nappies
- Food – fridges are provided
- Excursions – fees may apply and will be advised in advance (generally covering bus hire).
mykindy at Victory students have a uniform that can be purchased at the uniform shop at Victory College. The uniform consists of a mykindy shirt and hat.
For details, please download our fee statement below.
We offer families the opportunity to apply for a holiday fee discount, for up to 20 days per year when your child is not in attendance at mykindy. The holiday fee for absentees will be discounted to 50% of your normal daily full fee rate. There is no fee charge on public holidays or any days the Kindy is closed. Childcare Subsidies (CCS) are available through Centrelink for eligible families. For further information regarding these subsidies, please see our mykindy Director.
Information about the Australian Government’s Child Care Benefit payments for eligible families is available here.